It was time when leather cuff bracelet where in basket of men’s fashion but as today’s women have also geared in this fashion too with no option left to men. A girl or lady is dress up especially in Bohemian inspiration then as for sure the allure leather bracelet is one of nearest of accessories to be her aspiring with. Bohemian attire is incomplete with nice leather bracelet.
In earlier days use of leather bracelet was to prevent from evil or negative spirits but as time passed this presumption was changed into fashion jewelry loved by most young ladies. Even today pre time leather cuff bracelet is still in vintage kind of today’s brave fashion. This leather cuff where use to be handmade, embellished with animal bones, tooth etc. But as of today’s animal right it is against law to gets such embellishment but still you can get faux relative embellishment.
The next is Italian leather bracelet. Highly recommended and demanded by ladies all over the world. Italian leather cuff bracelet has got taste of elegance and delicate fine working which lust the women more. They are very colorful and vary in features. You’ll love one of the leather bracelet mixed with gold and silver. As they appeal very feminine and upgraded the profiled standards in all happening crowd. Not necessary a leather bracelet should be off genuine gold or silver material you can even dye its leather with these colors.
Studded leather bracelet is another outraging passion among both guys and girls. To wear such studded leather cuff you need any reason or excuse of special event or occasion. You can wear it on daily basis too. If you dare to look bit loud in appeal then you can try for pyramid studs or punk spikes style leather bracelet. But make sure the edges of studs are not so sharp pointed as it may harm anyone unintentionally. So do take care of it. It can be worn with nice sleeves or ¾ sleeves leather waistcoat or halter top clubbed with nice pair of jeans. Long sleeves bodice wear could hide your leather bracelet and its dignifying prestigious embellishment like of studs or spikes.
Women leather bracelets come in various shapes and all sizes instead of regular long horizontal leather scale. As many leather bracelet comes in free size which you can adjust from every time being. There is also another option in leather bracelet is of cuff band with finger ring.
Leather bracelet can be worn even with any club or disco dress/ outfit. Make it splendid accessories with smashingly hot clubbing of your whole attire.
Before putting on leather bracelet sprinkle some talc on wrist so that it won’t sweaty and damaging the inner side of bracelet.
Instead paying outside for simplest handmade leather bracelet take some inspiration from net and try to craft it by own self in cheap rate. It is really very easy to design and craft own bracelet with inspiration from various online site. Thus it will give more pleasure than any other.
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